Rocky Mountain Western Horse Pack Trip Holiday Adventures

Western Horse Pack Trips

For years visitors from all over the world have explored the Canadian Rockies back country on horseback. They have come in search of remote valleys and alpine lakes, and looked forward to settling into authentic western camps at the end of the day.

For most people, one day in the mountains is just not enough. Multi-day pack trips are the answer for those who want to get into the real back-country, relax and recharge their batteries in the splendour of nature, learn more about riding, and enjoy the companionship of horses to an extent not possible on shorter treks.

On this page:

The outfitters that Home On The Range Adventure Tours has selected to work with to provide wilderness horse trips encourage active participation of their guests, including the care of the horses and general camp duties, creating an authentic atmosphere that is rewarding and fulfilling. They strive to present an authentic Canadian Rockies horseback adventure.

These outfitters offer western horseback adventures and trail rides from 2 days to 2 weeks in the Canadian Rockies. Join them as they explore rugged and remote trails where people are rarely seen, and experience all the majesty of nature as the first explorers of this magnificent wilderness did before you.

These are not large corporate ranch operations that we work with. Each outfitter prides themselves on leaving as small a footprint as possible on the wilderness areas they explore. There will definitely be less luxury on your Rocky Mountain pack trip than you will find at your local spa. However, in exchange we offer a genuine, real-life adventure, breathtaking scenery, camaraderie of the trail, excellent camp-fire cooked food and the opportunity to learn as much as you can about horses, riding and living with nature.

Come experience the Canadian Rocky Mountains as only a cowboy can see them.

Trip prices may vary depending on time of year, accommodations, amenities, and location.

Each trip includes all equipment & supplies, accommodation, guide, meals and horse.

Pack Trips ranging from 2 Days to 2 Weeks are available on request.

Accommodation in Mountain Lodges - departs from Banff:

Tour price is based on double occupancy & does not include GST:

For folks who are looking to take a little bit of home into the back-country, Sundance and Halfway Lodges provide just the right combination. Evenings are spent in a cozy lodge. We call that roughing it the civilized way!

Completed in 1991, Sundance Lodge now sits on the original site of the horse corral for Ten-Mile cabin, built by Canadian Pacific Railway back in the 1920's. Sundance Lodge sits alongside a gentle curve on Brewster Creek, with the Sundance mountain range as a backdrop. Built entirely with fir logs, the lodge has 10 sleeping rooms, a large country kitchen, and a cozy living room area where you can curl up by the woodstove and lose yourself in a good book. And although it is a remote backcountry lodge, we decided to add what we felt was an important comfort from home - hot showers! (Please note that, for environmental reasons, showers are restricted to one per stay.)

Surrounded by the beauty of towering peaks, Halfway Lodge has been a welcome haven for over 75 years. Rich in tradition, this cabin was used back in the late 1920's as a stopover for guests traveling from Banff to Mount Assiniboine. Halfway has remained pretty much as originally built, with the exception of a second story added in 1967 when a bear made an appearance through an unexpected entrance - the roof!

Thanks to the bear, Halfway now sleeps a maximum of fourteen guests. The lifestyle at this rustic backcountry cabin remains much the same as it was 75 years ago - simple. Propane lanterns and candles provide the lighting, and a woodstove keeps the water hot and the cabin warm and cozy.

Note: At Sundance Lodge, private sleeping arrangements are possible depending upon trip size, but are not guaranteed. Sundance has 10 sleeping rooms with 3 beds in each room, rooms are designated on a choose your own basis once at the lodges. Halfway is equipped with single beds only and sleeps 14 guests in 4 rooms.

Tours depart early May to mid October.

6 Day Lodge Ride - Halfway Lodge

Departs Sundays & Thursdays, June 19 to September 11, 2025

$4,399/person plus GST and booking fee (Based on double occupancy)

Halfway Lodge


Day 1

Riders meet at our office at 9:30 a.m. and are transported by van to Warner Stables. There they are met by their guides and horses and mount up for the ten mile ride to Banff Sundance Lodge via the glacier-fed waters of the Bow River, Healy and Brewster Creeks. For those with a vehicle, free parking is available at Martin stables for the duration of the trip. Once you check-in, directions will be available from our office.

Day 2

The adventure continues southward with a ride up to Halfway Lodge. The trail winds along the historic Strom pack trail with the rugged Sundance Range dominating the eastern horizon.

Day 3

After a good night's rest at Halfway Lodge and a hearty breakfast, it's down to the corral to mount up for the day's ride. Today's trip takes riders to the breathtaking views enjoyed at the top of Allenby Pass. For many this is the highlight of the trip as you climb to an elevation of 8,100 ft.

Day 4

Today is a rest day, with time for an optional hike or fishing, or a short ride to a glacier fed lake.

Day 5

After a warm good-bye to the cook and Halfway Lodge, the winding trail leads back along the Brewster creek to Sundance Lodge where you will spend the night.

Day 6

The gang gets together for one last day on the trail, a "soft" ten-mile ride from Sundance to Warner Stables, arriving at approximately 4:30 p.m. The adventure has come to a close, but the magic of your holiday will linger on to be relived and shared.

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.


6-Day Lodge trips - 2013 Wednesday Departures

6-Day Lodge Trips - Wednesday Departures
1R June 26-July 1 $1765.00
2R July 3-8 $1765.00
3R July 10-15 $1765.00
4R July 17-22 $1765.00
5R July 24-29 $1765.00
6R July 31-August 5 $1765.00
7R August 7-12 $1765.00
8R August 14-19 $1765.00
9R August 21-26 $1765.00
10R August 28-September 2 $1765.00
11R September 4-9 $1550.00
12R September 11-16 $1550.00

5-Day Lodge Trip Departures – Monday & Wednesday Departures

The 5 day trip departs on a Monday and spends the first night at Sundance Lodge, the second and third nights at Halfway Lodge and returns to Sundance for the final evening.

5-Day Lodge Trips - 2014 Monday Departures

5-Day Lodge Trips - Monday Departures
1H June 30 - July 4 $1531.00
2H July 7-11 $1531.00
3H July 14-18 $1531.00
4H July 21-25 $1531.00
5H July 28-August 1 $1531.00
6H August 4-8
Mules & Mountains
7H August 11-15 $1531.00
8H August 18-22 $1531.00
9H August 25-29 $1531.00
10H September 1-5 $1345.00
11H September 8-12 $1345.00
12H September 15-19 $1345.00

Mules and Mountains Clinic With Brad Cameron

5-day Backcountry Lodge Ride – August 4-8, Trip Code 6H

Brad Cameron, North America's #1 Mule ExpertSaddle up and Ride with North America's #1 Mule Clinician, Brad Cameron. Bring your own mule and join Brad for 5 spectacular days of hands on trail training in the Canadian Rockies. For those unable to bring their own mule, a limited amount of mules are available for rent.

Under Brad's careful guidance, Participants will learn how to negotiate many different natural obstacles with safety and confidence. Enjoy the camaraderie and fellowship of other mule riders while endless mule stories are told around the campfire at night.

Backcountry meals, comfortable tent camps, and unequalled scenery and all included. This is a unique, one of a kind clinic experience that only Brad Cameron can offer.

Mountain Photography Trip

5 day Backcountry Lodge Ride - August 13-17, Trip Code 8D

For the past 5 years we have featured a photography trip to share our remote wilderness with those eager to visit these special places. Professional instruction can help you take the next step towards that perfect image. The adundance of spectacular scenery, wildlife and cowboy lifestyle provide any enthusiastic artist with incredible landscape, portrait and action photos.

Raymond will once again be our photo instructor for 2014. He is a long-time contributor to National Geographic Magazine, Books and Traveler's Magazine. He will share come of his secrets and hints for getting the most out of your artist eye and camera's creative potential.

This trip takes you deep into the Brewster Creek Valley and up Allenby Pass. Each night you stay in a cozy backcountry lodge. View the itinerary for the 5 day Backcountry Lodge Ride here.

Check out Raymond's photos at

5-Day Lodge Trips - 2014 Wednesday Departures

5-Day Lodge Trips - Monday Departures
1D June 24-29 $1345.00
2D July 2-6 $1531.00
3D July 9-13 $1531.00
4D July 16-20 $1531.00
5D July 23-27 $1531.00
6D July 30 - August 3 $1531.00
7D August 6-10 $1531.00
8D August 13-17
Mountain Photography
9D August 20-24 $1531.00
10D August 27-31 $1531.00
11D September 3-7 $1345.00
12D September 10-14 $1345.00

Contact UsContact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

4-Day Lodge Trip Departures

The 4 day ride departs on Sunday and spends the first night at Sundance, the second night at Halfway and returns to Sundance for the final evening.

4-Day Lodge Trips - 2014 Sunday Departures

4-Day Lodge Trips - Sunday Departures
1G June 29-July 2 $1235.00
2G July 6-9 $1235.00
3G July 13-16 $1235.00
4G July 20-23 $1235.00
5G July 27-30 $1235.00
6G August 3-6 $1235.00
7G August 10-13 $1235.00
8G August 17-20 $1235.00
9G August 24-27 $1235.00
10G August 31 - September 3 $1090.00
11G September 7-10 $1090.00
12G September 14-17 $1090.00

4 Day Lodge Ride - Erling Strom Trail Lodge Trip

Departs Wednesdays, June 25 to September 10, 2025

$2,799/person plus GST and booking fee (Based on double occupancy)

Ride through Alberta’s Wild West, tracing the paths that the early pioneers used while exploring these untamed forests.

On this trip you will follow the Erling Strom Trail, a path forged through the dense Banff forests by renowned explorer Erling Strom in the early 1900s.

Amidst dense fragrant pines and snow-crested mountains that pierce the sky, you’ll get to experience the wild side of Banff that not many visitors get to see. Remote and without any internet or cell service, the back country lodges where you will be staying offer a chance to find peaceful quiet and reconnect with friends and loved ones over a crackling campfire.

With a back country expert to guide you, this horseback experience is a chance to learn about the history of early exploration in the region. With four days to wander and discover Canada’s oldest national park, you’ll have plenty of time to relax into the slow pace and peaceful quiet of life on the trail.


Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

3 Day Sundance Lodge Trip

Departs Mondays, May 19 to September 29, 2025

$1.699/person plus GST and booking fee (Based on double occupancy)


Day 1

Riders meet at our office at 9:30 a.m. and are transported by van to Warner Stables. There they are met by their guides and horses and mount up for the ten mile ride to Banff Sundance Lodge via the glacier-fed waters of the Bow River, Healy and Brewster Creeks. For those with a vehicle, free parking is available at Warner stables for the duration of the trip. Once you check-in, directions will be available from our office.

Day 2

The adventure continues the next day with a day ride up the Brewster Creek Trail. The group spends lunch on the banks of the Brewster Creek; the ride home may take guests through the weaving river trail or the historic Strom pack trail with the rugged Sundance Range dominating the eastern horizon.

Day 3

Guests say good-bye to Sundance Lodge and mount up for a leisurely ten-mile ride from Sundance to Warner Stables with a lunch stop on the banks of Healy Creek, arriving at approximately 4:30 p.m.

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

3-Day Lodge Trips - Monday Departures
Unscheduled departures may be booked for any day. July/August departures are $909/person.
1S May 19-21 $827.00
3S May 26-28 $827.00
5S June 2-4 $827.00
7S June 9-11 $827.00
9S June 16-18 $827.00
11S June 23-25 $827.00
22S September 1-3 $827.00
24S September 8-10 $827.00
26S September 15-17 $827.00
28S September 22-24 $827.00
30S September 29-October 1 $827.00
32S October 6-8 $827.00

3-Day Lodge Trips - 2014 Thursday Departures

3-Day Lodge Trips - Thursday Departures
2S May 22-24 $827.00
4S May 29-31 $827.00
6S June 5-7 $827.00
8S June 12-14 $827.00
10S June 19-21 $827.00
12S June 26-28 $827.00
13S July 3-5 $936.00
14S July 10-12 $936.00
15S July 17-19 $936.00
16S July 24-26 $936.00
17S July 31 - August 2 $936.00
18S August 7-9 $936.00
19S August 14-16 $936.00
20S August 21-23 $936.00
21S August 28-30 $936.00
23S September 4-6 $827.00
25S September 11-13 $827.00
27S September 18-20 $827.00
29S September 25-27 $827.00
31S October 2-4 $827.00
33S October 9-11 $827.00

2 Day Sundance Lodge Trip

Departs Saturdays, May 17 to October 4, 2025

$969/person plus GST and booking fee (Based on double occupancy)


Day 1

Riders meet at our office at 9:30 a.m. and are transported by van to Warner Stables. There they are met by their guides and horses and mount up for the ten mile ride to Banff Sundance Lodge via the glacier-fed waters of the Bow River, Healy and Brewster Creeks. For those with a vehicle, free parking is available at Warner stables for the duration of the trip. Once you check-in, directions will be available from our office.

Day 2

After a relaxing evening at Sundance Lodge riders mount back up for a second full day in the saddle and return to Warner Stables at approx. 4:30pm. A quick getaway to the backcountry for those without a lot of time on their hands!

2-Day Lodge Trips - Saturday Departures
Unscheduled departures may be booked for any day. Regular rates apply.
1W May 24-25 $554.00
2W May 31 - June 1 $554.00
3W June 7-8 $554.00
4W June 14-15 $554.00
5W June 21-22 $554.00
6W June 28-29 $554.00
7W July 5-6 $512.00
8W July 12-13 $628.00
9W July 19-20 $628.00
10W July 26-27 $628.00
11W August 2-3 $628.00
12W August 9-10 $628.00
13W August 16-17 $628.00
14W August 23-24 $628.00
15W August 30-31 $628.00
16W September 6-7 $554.00
17W September 13-14 $554.00
18W September 20-21 $554.00
19W September 27-28 $554.00
20W October 4-5 $554.00
21W October 11-12 $554.00

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

Tent accommodation - departs from Banff: (Closure for 2023)

3 & 6 Day Wilderness Tenting Pack Ride Itinerary

Tours depart late June to late September.

These trips explore some of Banff National Park's most spectacular backcountry. Each of the 3 camps offer their own particular charms. Stoney Creek Camp sits at the junction of Stoney Creek and the Cascade River, and offers the rugged, sculptured peaks of the Palliser Range as a backdrop. Flints Park Camp is nestled into the base of massive Flints Peak. Open vistas and starry nights highlight this beautiful camp. The last camp is aptly called Mystic, with its stands of big, old pine and spruce trees covered with hanging moss, and open, grassy slides; this camp is set in a truly mystical location.

All the camps are of a similar set up. Simple luxuries abound: wash stands and hot water, a fire pit for evening socializing, tales and song, a large kitchen tent where meals are cooked and served, plenty of "A" frame canvas tents which make for cozy accommodations, and rustic rail corrals for the horses. Rivers flow nearby for the fishermen or brave swimmers.

Each camp is also set up with an electric wildlife fence around the campsite, so there is no worrying about curious critters in the middle of the night! In the evening, the kitchen tent warms up nicely with a hot wood-burning stove and offers plenty of seating/table room for socializing or card games.

The 4 day trip departs Mondays and stays one night in Stoney Creek, Flints Park and Mystic camps. The 5 day trip departs Saturdays and stays one night in Stoney Creek camp, two nights in Flints Park camp and one night in Mystic camp. The 6 day trip departs on Wednesdays, stays two nights in Stoney Creek, two nights in Flints Park and one night in Mystic.

Day 1

The riders meet at our office at 8:30 a.m. and are transported by van to the trailhead corral at Mount Norquay. There they are met by their guides and horses, and mount up for the eleven mile ride over Elk Lake Summit between Brewster Mountain and Cascade Mountain, and down into Stoney Creek Camp.

Day 2

A ride is taken toward the headwaters of Stoney Creek, returning to camp for the night. This area is a favorite haunt of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, who are often grazing in the high eadows, providing ample opportunity for pictures.

Day 3

The riders roll up their duffel, mount up, and ride the ten miles to Flint's Park Camp. This camp, located in the center of open, grassy ridges topped with high peaks, has become a favorite of many of our riders. Wildlife is commonly seen and photographed in this area.

Day 4

A day ride is conducted from camp to Block Mountain, or perhaps to Cuthead Viewpoint - just two of the many points of interest accessible from Flint's Park. This area has much to offer the rider, photographer, hiker and fisherman alike.

Day 5

Once again the riders roll up their duffel in preparation for the ride to the Mystic Valley Camp. At this time the guests have the opportunity to observe the historic art of horse packing, using the famous diamond hitch. When everything is securely in place, the riders mount up and ride into Mystic Valley for the final night. It is traditional with our guides to have a real western dinner for the last night. By this time everyone has become friends, and all are ready for a wind-up get-together.

Day 6

Unfortunately, every trip has a last day, but what better way to end the trip than with the scenic nine mile ride from Mystic Valley to the Mount Norquay Corral. The "Full Circle" has been completed and the riders return to Banff at approximately 5:00 p.m.

6 Day Cascade Valley Tent Trip

Departs Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, June 22 to September 7, 2020.

$2,149/person plus GST (Based on double occupancy)



Day 1

The riders meet at our office at 8:30 a.m. and are transported by van to the trailhead corral at Mount Norquay. There they are met by their guides and horses, and mount up for the eleven mile ride over Elk Lake Summit between Brewster Mountain and Cascade Mountain, and down into Stoney Creek Camp.

Day 2

A ride is taken toward the headwaters of Stoney Creek and up the Dormer Pass Trail, before returning to camp for the night. This area is a favorite haunt of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, who are often grazing in the high meadows, providing ample opportunity for pictures.

Day 3

After breakfast you'll mount up in the fresh morning air and ride the 10 miles to Flint's Park Camp, with a stop for lunch on the banks of Cascade River. This stunning camp is one of the highlights of the trip, located in the fertile valley bottom with an open, grassy ridge providing sweeping views of the awe-inspiring Rocky Mountains. Wildlife is commonly seen and photographed in this area.

Day 4

This camp is the jumping off point for many different rides into the backcountry, each more spectacular than the last. Your guide will create a customized ride for your group, tailored to your interests and experience. At the end of the day you'll return to the familiar camp to relax and chat around the campfire once more. This area has much to offer the rider, photographer, hiker and fisherman alike.

Day 5

Once saddled up, the ride from Flints Park to Mystic Valley is a highlight of the trip and can include Rainbow Lake, the stunning 40 Mile Pass, Vermillion Range which runs to the east and Sawback to the west. When everything is securely in place, we ride to Mystic Valley for the final night. Along the way, you'll stop for a lakeside lunch enjoying the tranquil beauty of Rainbow Lake.

Day 6

Unfortunately, every trip has a last day. On the last day of your Rocky Mountain backcountry adventure, you'll mount up for the leisurely 9 mile ride along 40 Mile Creek, with a lunch stop along the way. The "Full Circle" has been completed and the riders return to Banff at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

3 Day Mystic Valley Campsite Tent Trip

Departs Wednesdays, June 24 to September 9, 2020.

$ 1,069/person plus GST



You’ve never camped in a place like this before. As you ride along the trail, you’ll pass old growth pine and spruce trees draped in thick moss, giving the place a mystical feel. And for the entire way, you’re treated to stunning, unobstructed views of the Rocky Mountains.

On this trip, you’ll venture deep into the secluded Banff backcountry and through the wilderness on horseback – walking in the steps of the First Nations and the founders of Banff National Park.

But this style of camping isn’t ‘roughing it’. At the end of a full day of riding and exploring, you’ll bed down in A-frame canvas tents on a raised wooden platform with plenty of rustic Old West charm. Your camp will be fully catered and you’ll dine in the big kitchen tent on delicious, hearty meals prepared by an on-site cook.

At night, you’ll gather around the glow of the campfire with your new friends and share songs and stories before falling asleep listening to the sounds of the forest from your classic canvas wall tent – similar to those used by the trail riders of Banff’s past.

Day 1

The riders meet at our office at 8:30 a.m. and are transported by van to the trail head corral at Mount Norquay. There you meet your guides and horses, and mount up for the ride to Mystic Valley Camp. Along the way there will be a stop for lunch along 40 Mile Creek.

Day 2

After a hearty ranch style breakfast, mount up for a stunning day ride to Mystic Pass or Mystic Lake. You will spend another full day on the trail with a lunch break at one of the many spectacular vistas. After a full day of exploring you will arrive back at Mystic Springs for the second night of your stay.

Day 3

Roll up your bedroll and mount up once again for the leisurely 9 mile ride along 40 Mile Creek back to the Mt Norquay Corral, stopping for lunch along the way. Approximate arrival time in Banff is 5pm.

3-Day Mystic Valley Tent Trips - Friday Departures

3-Day Mystic Valley Tent Trips - 2013 Friday Departures
1M July 5-7 $862.00
2M July 12-14 $862.00
3M July 19-21 $862.00
4M July 26-28 $862.00
5M August 2-4 $862.00
6M August 9-11 $862.00
7M August 16-18 $862.00
8M August 23-25 $862.00
9M August 30-September 1 $862.00
10M September 6-8 $744.00
11M September 13-15 $744.00

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

Kananaskis Country Tent Accommodations
(Unavailable for 2024)

Experience the wonder of Kananaskis Country - 4200 square kilometres of towering peaks, high mountain lakes and alpine meadows located in the heart of the Alberta Rockies. These back country pack trips are operated in a truly unique area, riding into remote locations in the high country with virtually no other users.

Each day riders will enjoy a picnic lunch and have lots of time to take pictures of the spectacular scenery. All of the staff are very personable and have an abundance of experience. In the traditional manner, all gear and food supplies are packed in with the horses. Everything, except sleeping bags and personal gear, is supplied for your trip.

The camps offer comfortable accommodation, in weatherproof tents or painted tepees, with foam mattresses on camp cots. And, for those mountain air appetites, hearty, home-cooked meals are prepared on a wood-burning stoves in the large kitchen tents.

Every day is a once in a lifetime experience, with unique destinations including high passes and high alpine lakes. Fishing is good in these parts and the views and photography opportunities are extraordinary. To round out each day, what could be better than a sing-song around a blazing campfire before turning in for the night.

Explore a part of the country that you’ve never experienced before and ride, hike or just relax in the mountain sun.


Plan to arrive at the ranch promptly at 9:00 a.m. You will be matched with a compatible horse and given a short orientation, then it’s an undemanding 13 mile ride up the Evan Thomas Valley to the main camp. Along the way enjoy a picnic lunch with plenty of time to take pictures of the spectacular scenery. After settling in at the camp, and taking time to explore the surrounding meadow, listen for the dinner bell. All of the hearty meals are prepared in large kitchen tents on a wood burning stove. At the end of the day, what could be better than gathering around a blazing camp fire before turning in for the night.

The comfortable camp provides cozy accommodation in large, canvas wall sleeping tents or painted tepees with foam mattresses on camp cots. Plan to arrive at the ranch promptly at 9:00 a.m. You will be matched with a compatible horse and given a short orientation, then it’s an undemanding 13 mile ride up the Evan Thomas Valley to the main camp. Along the way enjoy a picnic lunch with plenty of time to take pictures of the spectacular scenery. After settling in at the camp, and taking time to explore the surrounding meadow, listen for the dinner bell. All of the hearty meals are prepared in large kitchen tents on a wood burning stove. At the end of the day, what could be better than gathering around a blazing camp fire before turning in for the night. The comfortable camp provides cozy accommodation in large, canvas wall sleeping tents or painted tepees with foam mattresses on camp cots.


Today begins with a hearty camp breakfast. Then the horses are saddled, and the group heads out to a wonderful 360 degree panoramic view point looking back down the valley you rode up yesterday and forward to two passes. The higher of these passes, which you’ll visit in the next few days, is over 8,000 feet. Later in the day, after lunch by an Alpine lake, you’ll ride down a box canyon, crossing a winding creek several times, before arriving at camp.

Day 3 (of 4 day or longer pack trips)

From Happy Valley it’s on to the TRCR traditional Tepee Town Camp, home for the remaining days of your adventure. Accommodation at this location is in painted Indian Tepees and tents beside the north fork of the Little Elbow River.

LONGER TRIPS (days 5 and 6)

On the remaining days of the Five and Six day pack trips, you will ride to unique destinations including high passes and high alpine lakes.

Fishing is good in these parts and the views and photography opportunities are extraordinary.


On the final day, you continue riding south, enjoy lunch by a beautiful alpine lake and then travel onward to your rendezvous point in the Highwood Pass. From here you will be transferred by road back to your starting point at the ranch. On the final day, you continue riding south, enjoy lunch by a beautiful alpine lake and then travel onward to your rendezvous point in the Highwood Pass. From here you will be transferred by road back to your starting point at the ranch.

Pack Trip Options:

5 Day/4 Night:

1,525/person plus GST and 10% Gratuity
Scheduled Departures:

Please e-mail for confirmation of availability for your desired dates.

3 Day/2 Night:

$915/person plus GST and 10% Gratuity
Scheduled Departures:

Please e-mail for confirmation of availability for your desired dates.

2 Day/1 Night:

$720/person plus GST and 10% Gratuity
Scheduled Departures:

Please e-mail for confirmation of availability for your desired dates.

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

Moose Mountain Pack Trips

2025 Moose Mountain Pack Trip Schedule*
May 24 - June 2 Alberta Drifter (10 Days) $5,640
June 22 - June 28 Forget Me Not Ride (7 Days) $3,700
June 29 - July 8 Kananaskis Longrider (10 Days) $5,400
July 8 - July 11 Teaser Tour (4 Days) $2,080
July 13 - July 19 Forget Me Not Ride (7 Days) $3,700
July 29 - August 1 Teaser Tour (4 Days) $2,080
August 3 - August 12 Kananaskis Longrider (10 Days) $5,400
August 17 - August 23 Tombstone Loop (7 Days) $3,700
August 24 - September 2 Kananaskis Longrider (10 Days) $5,400
September 7 - September 13 Tombstone Loop (7 Days) $3,700
September 13 - September 19 Forget Me Not Ride (7 Days) $3,700
September 27 - October 3 Fall Spectacular (Ranch based Ride - 7 Days) $3,700
October 4 - October 11 Both Sides of the Great Divide Ride (5 Nights Ranch based & 2 Nights at Camp) (8 Days) $4,250

Prices include transfer to and from Calgary,

*NOTE: Prices are in CAN$ and based on Cash Payment (e-transfer, cash, cheque, wire transfer). Payment by credit card will require a 3% processing fee.

Tent Camping in Alberta

Alberta Drifter

During this special Tour we will ride through some of the best country Southern Alberta has to offer. We will spend 3 days in the Rocky Mountains showing you some of the best riding trails in this area. The mountains are typically still snow capped at that time of the year, but Spring has arrived in the lower elevations with the bright green aspen trees coming into leaf. Then we change scenery and ride 140 kms in 5 days across the open plains of Southern Alberta, 400 km south of our home base. The route will take us from Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park near the Sweetgrass Hills on the Montana border to the Cypress Hills in Saskatchewan. Explore the magical coulees and badlands of the Milk River, and ride along routes that were once used by Indians, whiskey traders, fugitive outlaws, and the North-West Mounted Police.

At historic Writing-On-Stone, you’ll find a badlands landscape that has been sacred to Native Americans for thousands of years. Much of this country has not changed since the time of the buffalo. The Prairies are excellent riding country, with unlimited opportunity for experienced riders to move at a faster pace. Riding through the Prairies is an unforgettable experience.

Alberta Drifter
Day 1 Guests arrive in Calgary, transfer to Bragg Creek, reception, accommodation in guest house at ranch
Day 2 Meet “your” horse, explore the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Kananaskis Country on a 5-6 hour day ride, accommodation in guest house at ranch
Day 3 We are getting deeper into the mountains, cross rivers and climb up to view points, approximately 7 hours, before returning to the ranch
Day 4 Pack up, load the horses and move to Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park, afternoon ride through the Provincial Park, overnight in tents
Day 5 Ride through the magical backcountry of Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, overnight in tents
Day 6 Pack up and ride 40 kms (25 miles) across sweeping grassland along the Milk River, overnight in tents
Day 7 Pack up and ride 40 kms (25 miles) to Pinhorn Ranch stay in Manyberries, overnight in small hotel
Day 8 Pack up and ride in the historic Cypress Hills, overnight in tents
Day 9 Enjoy a morning ride in the Cypress Hills before returning to the Ranch in late afternoon, accommodation in guest house at the ranch
Day 10 After breakfast, depart for Calgary Airport

During the “Mountain” part (Day 1-4), you will sleep in the guesthouse at the Ranch. Once we deploy to the Southern Prairies (day 5-9), we will be camping, except for one night in the small town of Manyberries, where we stay in a small, prairie-style hotel with a real saloon. It's not a luxurious place, but a dry one with a warm shower. The last night is spent again in the guest house at the Ranch.

Price includes: 8 days of guided riding, with historical and natural interpretation, all meals from dinner 27 May until breakfast 05 June, 5 nights in our guesthouse, 1 night in hotel in Manyberries, 3 nights in camp (tents), Transport from Calgary to Bragg Creek and to trail-head (Milk River) and return (from Elkwater, Alberta and PHENOMENAL MEMORIES!

Not included is alcohol with your meals and on the trail, 5% federal tax. Dietary: We cater to all types of dietary restrictions, including vegetarian, lactose free and gluten free. Reflecting the premium prices on gluten free products, we charge $100 ($10 per day) for gluten free dietary requests.

Level of Experience: intermediate to advanced, expect to ride up to 25 miles (40km)/day – 7+ Hours.

Pace and Terrain: walk over moderate to difficult terrain, many trots and canters for several miles, river crossings, grassy slopes

Accommodation: 5 nights at the (surcharge for single room applies) ranch, 3 nights in camp, 1 night in hotel.

Mountain Prairie Combo Pack Trip

Mountain Prairie Combo Pack Trip

Ride 5 days in Kananaskis Country and finish with a Ride in Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park, Southern Alberta.

It is the perfect combination for all those who can't decide whether to enjoy the quiet wilderness of the Canadian Rockies or gallop across the Prairies and through the badlands of Southern Alberta.

Mountain Prairie Combo Pack Trip Itinerary
Day 1 Guests arrive in Calgary before 4 PM, transfer to the Ranch, reception, accommodation at the ranch
Day 2 After breakfast, meet "your" horse and get acquainted, Ride to Threepoint Camp (approximately 5 hours), overnight in tents
Day 3 Ride from Threepoint Camp to Elbow Camp (approximately 8 hours), overnight in tents
Day 4 Ride to Box Canyon (approximately 4.5 hours), return to Elbow Camp
Day 5 Ride through the Cougar Gap (approximately 6 hours), return to Elbow Camp
Day 6 Pack up camp and ride with pack horses to Trailhead (approximately 1 hr), group ride continues over Powderface Ridge (approximately 4.5 hours), return to Ranch, overnight at the Ranch
Day 7 Transfer to Writing-on Stone Provincial Park (approximately 4 hours by car), set up camp and vet check for Competitive Trail Ride, overnight in tents
Day 8 Participation in the Rattlesnake Roundup Competitive Trail Ride (Novice or Intermediate Category), overnight in tents
Day 9 Leisurely ride through the Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park (approximately 2 hours), transfer back to ranch in the afternoon (approximately 4 hours by car), overnight at the ranch
Day 10 Departure and transfer to Calgary after breakfast

Price includes: 8 Days of guided riding with historical and natural interpretation, all meals from dinner on arrival day to breakfast on departure day, 3 nights in the guesthouse at the ranch, 6 nights in camps (walled tents), transport to and from Calgary and to and from Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park and PHENOMENAL MEMORIES!

Not included is alcohol with your meals or on the trip and 5% federal tax.

Level of Experience: intermediate to advanced, NOT suitable for novices, reasonable physical fitness is required

Pace and Terrain: walk, trot, canter in the mountains; fast canters on the prairies

Accommodation: 3 nights in shared rooms (double or multiple occupancy) in Ranch guesthouse and 6 nights in camp.

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

Fall Spectacular Pack Trip

Riding in the Foothills

Most people around here will tell you that their favourite time of year is when the aspen trees turn golden yellow and the mountains get their first dusting of snow. We call it Indian Summer, when warm and clear days with blue skies generate crisp, vibrant colours. The air smells fresh, the play of light and shadow is dramatic and foreshadows the change of season.

This is statistically the driest time of the year. Night time temperatures are often below zero, but the day time highs are typically in the high teens and can reach the mid-20s.

During this week long vacation we aim to ride trails that let us appreciate the fall colours the most. The foothills are an ideal setting.

At the beginning of the week we will pair you with a horse partner to match your skill set to be your companion for the week. You may however enjoy trying a variety of different horses through out your stay, and that is possible.

Each day starts with a freshly prepared breakfast in our guest lodge. With either full breakfast of bacon and eggs, pancakes or waffles and fruit, you will head out on the trail fully charged. Lunch will be taken in a scenic spot along the trail and dinner is served as a family style meal in our guest lodge. We take great pride in using fresh and local ingredients and prepare all meals from scratch using proven recipes.


(subject to change due to weather and other natural causes)

Day 1

We pick you up from the Calgary International Airport (YYC) around 4:00 in the afternoon. It is about a 1 hour drive to ranch, welcome and check-in. Meet & greet and dinner at guest house.

Day 2

After breakfast, you will meet “your” horse. After grooming and tacking you can get comfortable in our arena first before we head on our first ride to Whiskey Ridge.

Day 3

A four hour ride is planned in the foothills west of Bragg Creek, followed by some time to tour and shop in the hamlet of Bragg Creek before returning home for supper.

Day 4

North Fork is a 23 km loop southwest of the ranch offering some stunning views of the Rockies. This one takes us through the aspen forest, which should be stunning in late September.

Day 5

We’ll trailer the horses a bit further into the mountains this time, and explore the upper Elbow Valley. There are more evergreens in this area where you will pass beneath 3000m mountains and splash through the icy waters of the Elbow. Our route will depend on how hard everyone wants to ride, but there are many trails to choose from.

Day 6

We’ve saved a ride over Powderface Ridge for the last day as a culmination of the week. From the 2100m high summit you will enjoy sweeping views of over a hundred kilometres to the east, and almost as far to the north and south.


Departure is normally scheduled for 9:30, which will have you at your Calgary location by 10:30.

Price includes: 5 days of guided riding with historical and natural interpretation, 4-6 hours per day, all meals from dinner on arrival day to breakfast on departure day, transport to and from Calgary (to Bragg Creek- remove) and PHENOMENAL MEMORIES!!

Not included is alcohol with your meals or on the trip and 5% federal tax.

Level of Experience: novice, reasonable physical fitness is required

Pace and Terrain: walk, trot, canter

Accommodation: shared rooms (double or multiple occupancy) in Ranch guesthouse.

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

Both Sides of the Great Divide Ride

Both Sides of the Great Divide Ride

Explore the beautiful mountains of Alberta and British Columbia!

The Both Sides of the Great Divide Ride is designed for keen riders who want to experience the incredible wilderness of both Alberta and British Columbia. You will have the opportunity to ride in the midst of the rockies in the gorgeous Kananaskis Country of Alberta and then explore Nipika Mountain Resort in British Columbia. Over the duration of the trek, you will learn about wilderness horsemanship, the different types of nature in Alberta and British Columbia. as well as a myriad of other skills.

The itinerary below is an outline of what to expect, rather than a fixed agenda. We may have to alter the plan if conditions like weather, bear activity or river water levels make a trail unsafe.


(subject to change due to weather and other natural causes)

Day 1

Pick up in Calgary at 4:00, drop off at M&M Ranch followed by a reception and meet-and-greet.

Day 2

Meet your horse and get to know your companion for the week! We will do an introduction to our methods of riding in the wilderness followed by a full day ride in Kananaskis Country.

Day 3

We will do a full day ride in the mountains of Kananaskis Country. Route will be determined by the conditions and weather.

Day 4

Full day ride in the mountains.

Day 5

Load the horses in the trailer and drive to Nipika Mountain Resort in British Columbia. It's a 3+ hour scenic drive through Banff and Kootenay National Parks. Upon arrival, we’ll go for a late afternoon ride along the beautiful Kootenay River Valley.

Day 6

Day ride up the Cross River. Spend a second night at Nipika.

Day 7

will go for a 2 hour ride in morning and then load the horses for our trip home. We will arrive at the ranch for supper.

Day 8

After breakfast, it’s time to say good-bye. Depart for the airport at 9:30.

Price Includes: 6 days of guided riding in Kananaskis Country and British Columbia, pick up from Calgary and return to Calgary, 5 nights in the ranch guesthouse and 2 nights in cabins at Nipika Mountain Resort, all meals from dinner on arrival day to breakfast on departure day Not included: Alcohol with your meals and on the trail, 5% federal tax.

Level of Experience: Intermediate to experienced, with a good level of fitness recommended

Pace and Terrain: Mostly walk on easy to rugged trails; trots and canters as trails allow

Accommodation: 5 nights at “The Barn” at M&M Ranch, 2 nights at Nipika Mountain Resort (single room charge $40 per night – subject to availability, please inquire)

The Forgetmenot Pack Trip

Forgetmenot Pack Trip

An unforgettable adventure awaits you during this week-long excursion. Over 5 days of riding all day we explore the Foothills and ride through forests and meadows until we reach higher elevations and the front range of the Rocky Mountains.

These five days give you lots of time to develop an affection and appreciation for both your horse and the Canadian wilderness, though almost everyone agrees that the time flies quickly and they are left with the urge to return and explore other untracked valleys and ridgelines.

This trip runs Sunday through Saturday. Arrival day is Sunday, departure day is Saturday. You will spend the nights before and after the trip in the Ranch.


(subject to change due to weather and other natural causes)

Day 1

We pick you up from the Calgary around 4:00 in the afternoon. It is about a 1 hour drive to ranch, welcome and check-in. Meet & greet and dinner at the Ranch.

Day 2

After breakfast, you will meet “your” horse. After grooming and tacking you can get comfortable in our arena first before we head out for the day. We take it easy the first day and ride through the forests and meadows of the Foothills until we reach camp. Typically, we ride between 4 and 5 hours on the first day.

Day 3

If the weather for the day is favourable we will break camp after breakfast and depart for our longest day of the week. A breathtaking ride through the foothills and across a mountain range will take the better part of 7 hours to get top our next camp. This ride can’t be done in poor weather conditions.

Day 4

After a long day yesterday, we will take a little break and explore the valley where we are camped. A short ride will take us to scenic views, there is a waterfall that can be explored as well. On a hot day, it’s great to spend some time at the river and relax or go for a swim. We expect to ride for about 4 hours. We are not moving camp today.

Day 5

Today we take a longer ride around a mountain range. While the ride may be a little long (7 hour), it is very scenic and will stay in your memories for a long time.

Day 6

After breakfast, we will break camp and depart the valley that we have grown to love. Today's riding may range from 3 hour to 5 hours depending on the specific route. No matter the route, the day will be filled with phenomenal views.

In the afternoon, we reach the trailhead, where we will be picked up by the trailer. After a short drive back to the Ranch you will relax, shower and let the memories settle before we all get together for a final dinner in the lodge.


Departure is normally scheduled for 9:30, which will have you at your Calgary location by 10:30.

Prices include: 5 days of guided riding in Kananaskis Country, pick up from Calgary and return transfer to Calgary, 2 nights at the Ranch, all meals from Sunday night to Saturday morning.

Not included is alcohol with your meals and on the trail, 5% federal tax.

Level of Experience: low intermediate to experienced Pace and Terrain: mostly walk on easy to rugged trails; trots and canters

Accommodation: 2 nights at the Ranch (surcharge for single room applies), 4 nights in camp

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

The Kananaskis Longrider Pack Trip

Kananaskis Longrider Pack Trip

The Kananaskis Longrider is designed for keen riders who are up to the challenge of covering between 170 and 200 km of rugged mountain trails in Kananaskis Country. Over the duration of the trek you will learn the basics of horse packing, wilderness horsemanship, low impact horse camping and a myriad of other skills to fully enjoy horse trekking.

Starting from the foothills, we move progressively westward and deeper into the mountains. Trails vary from difficult game tracks that require a knowledgeable guide to find, through to some that are suitable for cantering. We normally move camp 3 times , which allows us to remain for 2 days in two of the prettiest valleys in the Rockies, and do some horseback exploring unencumbered with pack horses and unconcerned about breaking and resetting camp. This also allows us the opportunity to do more or less difficult rides depending on the interests and ability of the group.

Elevations range between 4400' at the Ranch, to over 8400' at Paradise Pass. Routes may vary due to a variety of natural conditions. On some sections of trail the riders are required to dismount and walk their horses for safety. There are other destinations that require the horses be tied and people hike the last mile or so to reach an alpine lake, so a reasonable level of personal fitness is required.

Explore beautiful lakes that invite for a refreshing swim, snowcapped mountains passes and lush meadows with clear streams running through.

The Kananaskis Longrider Itinerary

We resist to publish a detailed itinerary for the 10 day trip since weather, experience level of the group, group size and other conditions like water level of rivers and snowpack vary and lead us to make the decision on the spot which trail is the best to take.

The trip runs Sunday through Tuesday. Your arrival day is Sunday. We meet at the ranch and have a reception BBQ which gives us the opportunity to answer questions, map out the route for the coming week and match you with a horse according to your abilities. You will spend the first night in a in our guesthouse at the Ranch. Monday morning we groom, tack and pack our horses and deploy. After 8 days of riding in the Mountains you return back to Bragg Creek where our guesthouse awaits you with a hot shower. We meet in the evening for a farewell dinner in one of Bragg Creeks excellent restaurants. Departure day is Tuesday.

Prices include: 8 days of guided riding in Kananaskis Country, pick-up in Calgary and return to Calgary, two nights in our Ranch guesthouse, all meals from Sunday night to Tuesday morning.

Not included is alcohol with your meals or on the trip and 5% federal tax.

Level of Experience: intermediate to experienced, good level of fitness recommended

Pace and Terrain: mostly walk on easy to very rugged trails; trots and canters

Accommodation: 2 nights at the Ranch (surcharge for single room applies), 7 nights in camp

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

Teaser Tour

The perfect introductory tour for all those wanting to experience the back-country on horseback.

The Elbow Loop Teaser Tour is intended for outdoor and horse loving people that want to start easy or don’t have the time to join our week long trips . The tour is also a great choice for groups and families of mixed experience levels.


Day 1 (Tuesday)

Plan to arrive at the ranch between 9:30 and 10:00 am to check in. After an introducing the team you will be taught the basics about horse handling and horsemanship. You will then be hands on and get to know your four-legged partner for the next few days as well as learn to groom and tack. After lunch you will go for a relaxing afternoon ride on the ranch. After taking care of the horses, you will be issued your kit bag (duffle bag, sleeping bag and mattress). Dinner is served in the guesthouse, where you will sleep in a comfortable bed for the night.

Day 2 (Wednesday)

After breakfast, you will ready your horses, load up and drive to the Little Elbow Trailhead. Here the packhorses will be loaded up with the gear and food needed for the next few days, and you then ride about 4 hours up the valley of the Little Elbow River to the campsite, located beneath the towering mountains of the Opal Range.

Day 3 (Thursday)

After a hearty breakfast cooked over the campfire you will pack up camp, load up and ride past Tombstone Lake where you will stop for a break (and swim if you are keen), continuing over Tombstone Pass (7,400 ft/2,260m) to Tombstone camp. Depending on the pace, it will take about 4.5 hours to get there. Keen riders can go on an evening ride without packhorses to see the Sheep Lakes (2 hours return), while others can relax in this pretty campsite.

Day 4 (Friday)

Once again, you break camp in the morning and continue the loop down the headwaters of the Big Elbow River into the valley. After Lunch you take a short detour and explore a hidden waterfall thundering down a cliff. You will then reach the final destination (where you started 3 days ago). Back at the ranch you will say your good bye’s – hopefully this teaser has whet your appetite for more adventures in the back-country!

Prices include: 1 night at the guest ranch, 2 days of guided riding, and all meals.

Not included is alcohol with your meals and on the trail, 5% federal tax. Level of Experience: suitable for all riders that are physically fit and healthy

Accommodation: 1 night at the Ranch (surcharge for single room applies), 2 nights in camp

The Tombstone Loop Pack Trip

5 days of guided riding in Kananaskis Country, pick up from Calgary Sunday and return to Calgary Saturday, 2 nights in our guesthouse, all meals from Sunday night to Saturday morning.


(subject to change due to weather and other natural causes)

Day 1

We will arrange pick-up from Calgary in the afternoon, either from the international airport or a hotel. After an approximately 1 hour drive, you will be dropped off at M&M Ranch where we have a welcome meet & greet BBQ with all guests and the staff to give you and us the chance to get to know each other a bit. We will talk to you about your riding skills, preferences and dislikes in a horse so we can select a good match for you to ride over the next days.

Day 2

After breakfast, it’s time to meet “your” horse! We carefully pick a companion from our herd to match your abilities and physical size. Then we trailer to the Elbow Valley and ride into our Elbow Camp ~ roughly 4 hours. The camp is located near a small river that is refreshing on a hot day – for those who like to take a splash! Dinner is made over an open fire.

Day 3

We will break camp after breakfast and load up the pack horses and ride up the Elbow River and over a pass to Rae Creek, where we’ll make a simple camp for the night.

Day 4

After breakfast we pack up again, and ride over Tombstone Pass to our camp on the Little Elbow.

Day 5

On day 5 we will explore the majestic Opal Range of mountains.

Day 6

After breakfast we will pack up for the last time and head to a pickup point where the trucks and trailers await, return to the ranch for supper and a cozy night’s sleep.

Day 7

After breakfast, it’s time to say goodbye. The shuttle will pick you up around 9.30 AM to take you back to Calgary. With you will be the memories of an unforgettable adventure in Kananaskis Country.

Prices include: 5 days of guided riding in Kananaskis Country, pick up from Calgary Sunday and return to Calgary Saturday, 2 nights in our guesthouse, all meals from Sunday night to Saturday morning.

Not included is alcohol with your meals and on the trail, 5% federal tax.

Level of Experience: intermediate to advanced experience

Pace and Terrain: Mostly walk on easy to rugged trails; trots and canters. Some trail sections are very technical and require good balance and full control over the horse. Rides range from 4 to 8 hours per day.

Accommodation: 2 nights at the M&M Ranch ($40/night surcharge for single room applies), 4 nights in camp (single tents available upon request at $10/night).

Anchor D Horseback Adventures

Horseback Adventure Schedule

Anchor D has enjoyed offering overnight horseback riding vacations and trail rides to guests for over 28 years. Have a look and choose the horseback adventure that suits you the best. However, if you are a group or family, please contact us for information on making a unique group or family booking.

Horseback Adventures
High Mountain Wilderness Camp

Horseback Adventures - High Mountain Wilderness Camp

You'll travel by horseback into the High Mountain Wilderness Camp, situated at 6500 feet elevation and completely surrounded by mountains. It is most of a day's horseback ride into this camp, offering canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, a bathroom tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

The trips leave the ranch at 10 a.m. Monday mornings. The horses are trucked to the trailhead, where supplies are loaded into the covered wagon and everyone gets on their horse. You then hit the trail for the 12 mile ride through the mountains to the High Mountain Wilderness Camp.

You head out in a different direction from the Wilderness Camp each day. There are mountain lakes, stocked with cutthroat trout; a high mountain pass where you ride up to 8500′to see the Continental Divide open up in front of you; and Burns Canyon where you can climb up beside Burns Falls, which is the highest waterfalls in Kananaskis Country.

4-Day Adventurer
Monday Departure

Guided Riding

Price includes: Four days of guided riding, all meals from lunch on the first day to lunch on the final day, 3 nights in a canvas outfitter tent.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals, sleeping bag and personal gear.

Level of Experience: novice to low intermediate experience and a reasonable fitness level required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Three nights in canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, an outhouse, shower tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

2025 4-Day Adventurer Dates:

Price: $1950.00* + GST per person

3-Day Weekender

Departs: Friday 12:30PM
Returns: Sunday 5:00PM

Be a cowboy or cowgirl for the weekend.

Friday: Meet at Anchor D at 12:30 p.m. The horses are trucked to the trailhead, where supplies are loaded into the covered wagon and everyone gets on their horse. You then hit the trail for the 12 mile ride through the mountains to the High Mountain Wilderness Camp, which will take 3 to 4 hours.

Saturday: Breakfast is served at 8:30 a.m. You leave camp at 10 a.m. and head out for one of several destinations that are available. You may ride to a mountain lake full of cut-throat trout (bring your fishing rod and license) or to a high pass that will let you gaze across several mountain ranges to the Continental Divide. No matter the destination, you'll see miles of mountains, valleys, rivers and meadows.

Sunday: Breakfast is at 8:30 a.m. The horses are ready and the wagons are packed ready to hit the trail by 10:30 a.m. The wagons go on ahead, while the riders go on a side trip to have lunch on a high pass or up a scenic canyon, before heading for the trailhead. Arrival time at the trailhead is between 4 and 5 p.m. (that's Cowboy Time!).

riding through the mountains

Price includes: Three days of guided riding, all meals from supper on the first day to lunch on the final day, 2 nights in a canvas outfitter tent.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals, sleeping bag and personal gear.

Level of Experience: novice to low intermediate experience and a reasonable fitness level required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Two nights in canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, an outhouse, shower tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

2025 3-Day Weekender Dates:

Price: $1300.00* + GST per person

Women’s Weekender

Departs: Friday
Returns: Sunday

Retreat with us for a fun-filled weekend of riding and relaxation! Leave the hustle and bustle of daily life, and escape to the mountains for that break you’ve needed – with just the right combination of relaxation and adventure.

We’ll take care of all the work for you: your horse will be saddled and ready for each ride, and our friendly cowgirl wranglers will give you an enjoyable riding experience. We’ll explore some rugged trails and breathtaking scenery in the Rockies and you’ll be able to share the experience with other nature-loving women from all walks of life. Journey beyond the familiar as you get to know your horse and ford the frontier. Experience a different lifestyle!

Refreshing snacks and a healthy homemade meal will be waiting for you back in camp (don’t forget “happy hour” before dinner!).

In the evenings you’ll be entertained by local singers and musicians, and we will also have an incredible massage therapist for your muscle’s pleasure!!

Price includes: Three days of guided riding, wranglers, all meals from supper on the first day to lunch on the final day, 2 nights in a canvas outfitter tent.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals, sleeping bag and personal gear.

Level of Experience: novice to low intermediate experience and a reasonable fitness level required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Two nights in canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, an outhouse, shower tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

The 2025 date for this Women's Weekender is:

Price: $1,500.00* + GST per person

Meanwhile, Back at The Ranch
6-Day Ranch Stay & Horseback Adventure
(Only ONCE Per Year )

Starts: Monday
Departs: Saturday

Meanwhile, Back at The Ranch

Prepare to be pampered for this six-day horseback riding vacation at the Anchor D Ranch, when the hills are beautiful in their new spring colours.

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch is unique from the other horseback adventures. Instead of roughing it in mountain camps, you'll stay in the beautiful log ranch house or cozy log cabins. Enjoy hot showers, comfy beds and delicious meals when you're back from your day rides in the Rockies. Each morning the horses are trucked to the trail head so that you can ride the high ridges to savour the rivers, falls, lakes and canyons of the mountains. You will enjoy your lunch while taking in the breathtaking views from a number of different mountain ranges and high mountain lakes. Take in the ranch lifestyle, without the work!

Price includes: Six days of guided riding, all meals from lunch on the first day to lunch on the final day, 5 nights in the log ranch house or cozy log cabins.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals and personal gear.

Level of Experience: High intermediate to advanced and a reasonable fitness level required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Five nights in the log ranch house or cozy log cabins.

2025 6-Day Meanwhile, Back at The Ranch Dates:

Price: $3200.00* + GST per person

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

7-Day Horseback Adventures
Mobile Wilderness Camps

2025 7-Day Great Divide Ride
Monday Departure
(Check-in at 9:30am)

Mobile Wilderness Camps

This is the most popular trip offered by the Anchor D. It's a 7-day moving trip, using two teams of draft horses and covered wagons to transport the food, camp and duffle to three different camps. While the wagons roll through the lower elevations, the horseback riders hit the high mountain trails that take you high above timberline, past tumbling mountain streams and through stands of virgin timber. By the time you get to the next camp, the mess tent is set up and a welcome cup of hot coffee is ready for you.

Price includes: Seven days of guided riding, all meals from lunch on the first day to lunch on the final day, 6 nights in a canvas outfitter tent.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals, sleeping bag and personal gear.

Level of Experience: High intermediate to advanced and a reasonable fitness level required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Six nights in canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, a bathroom tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

2025 7-Day Great Divide Ride Dates:

Price: $3650.00* + GST per person

2025 7-Day Lost Trail Trip
Monday Departure
(Check-in at 9:30am)
(One Trip ONLY)

This is NOT a Trip for Beginners

Lost Trail Trip

Deep in the heart of the Alberta Rockies, you will explore trails that don't see much more than elk and big horn sheep. This is not a ride for beginners.

This is a fun-filled seven day horseback vacation, with an explore-as-you-go attitude. A team and wagon haul camp in, and then the horses and riders are trucked to different areas in order to expedite the jump from one mountain area to another. You are going to ride the highest and wildest areas the wranglers can find.

The meals are wholesome and there's plenty of it, home-made by the professional back-country cooks. The horses are awesome and surefooted, and the company is fun!

Price includes: Seven days of guided riding, all meals from lunch on the first day to lunch on the final day.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals, sleeping bag and personal gear.

Level of Experience: Advanced and a reasonable fitness level required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Six nights in canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, a bathroom tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

2025 7-Day Lost Trail Ride Dates:

Price: $3800.00* + GST per person

2025 7-Day North Rim to Ranch Ride
Monday Departure
(Check-in at 9:30am)
(One Trip ONLY)

The North Rim to Ranch Ride was developed to offer new country and different riding opportunities to those of you who return year after year. It has also become popular with new guests, and this ride now has rave reviews from all over the world.

This 7-day horseback riding vacation starts at the North Rim of the mountain area on the Little Elbow and works its way south through three major river drainages and five different mountain ranges, ambling into the ranch on the last day. You roll into three different camps during the 7 days and your journey incorporates two of the most breathtaking high mountain rides we offer. This ride has run for four seasons now, and it has proven to be a rip snorting success. Guests are absolutely awe-struck with the scenery and it will be in high demand again for this year. Don't miss it!

Price includes: Seven days of guided riding, all meals from lunch on the first day to lunch on the final day, 6 nights in a canvas outfitter tent.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals, sleeping bag and personal gear.

Level of Experience: High intermediate to advanced and a reasonable fitness level required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Six nights in canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, a bathroom tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

2025 7-Day North Rim to Ranch date is:

Price: $3900.00* + GST per person

3-Day Ride with the Real Mantracker - Terry Grant

Mantracker star, Terry Grant

Departs: Friday 9:30 AM
Returns: Sunday 5:00PM

Mantracker star, Terry Grant, is joining Anchor D on a 3-day Weekender. Book your trip early, as there are a limited number of spots available.

Terry Grant has been a ranch cowboy for over twenty five years, working for some of the largest ranches in Alberta, Canada. This avid outdoors man has also been a big game guide in northern British Columbia, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories.

Terry can engage any size of gathering, and his open, easy-going nature has the ability to connect with many people. Be one of them on this exciting adventure into the backcountry with Anchor D!

This Mantracker ride is similar to the Weekenders with three full days of riding.


Meet at Anchor D at 9:30 a.m. The horses and gear are trucked to the trail head, where the wagon is loaded, you mount your horse and set off on the trail to Camp.


Breakfast is served at 8:30a.m. You leave camp at 10:00 a.m. and head out for one of several destinations that are available. We may ride to a mountain lake full of cut-throat trout (bring your fishing rod and license) or a high pass that will let you gaze across several mountain ranges to the Continental Divide. Either way; you’ll see miles of mountains, valleys, rivers and meadows.


Breakfast is at 8:30 a.m. The horses are ready and the wagons are packed by 10:30 a.m. The wagons go on ahead, while the riders go on a side trip, to have lunch on a high pass or up a scenic canyon. Arrival time at the trail head is between 4 and 5 p.m. (that’s Cowboy Time!).

Price includes: Three days of guided riding, all meals from supper on the first day to lunch on the final day, 2 nights in a canvas outfitter tent.

Not included: Alcohol & pop with your meals, sleeping bag and personal gear.

Please Note: Level of Experience: Some riding experience is required.

Pace and Terrain: Riding through rivers, valleys, canyons and passes, we travel through some incredibly rugged country where you will gain a new respect for your sure-footed mountain horse.

Accommodation: Two nights in canvas outfitter tents with cots and foam mattresses for guests, an outhouse, shower tent and a large kitchen and dining tent.

Ride with the REAL Mantracker 2025

Date: June 13 - 15, 2025

Price: $1,500* + GST per person

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

The Outpost at Warden Rock - Back Country Guest Lodge

Outpost Main Lodge

The Outpost is a remote backcountry lodge nestled in the majestic Canadian Rockies, bordering Banff National Park. Fifty miles north of Banff and just over 50 miles west of Sundre, Alberta, The Outpost offers turn of the century charm, with all the comforts of home! With over 30 years of experience in mountain horseback riding, guiding and outfitting, we provide both memorable and safe authentic western horseback vacation packages.

Horseback Adventure Packages
3 to 6 days

The Outpost Riders crossing West Lakes Ya-Ha-Tinda Ranch

Price includes:

June 22 – October 8, 2018

(All prices are per person plus tax)

Monday or Friday departures from the staging area at the Bighorn Campground.

  1. 3 Day – $ 1,110
  2. 4 Day – $ 1,470
  3. 5 Day – $ 1,825
  4. 6 Day – $ 2,175

Days of pick up from our staging site at the Bighorn Campground will vary depending on your length of stay and what is available. Please email with your preferred dates and we will check availability. Start and close of season may also vary depending on how late spring arrives and how early winter sets in.

Add on 1 hour knead-a-fix massage - $ 85

Mile in Style Package 6 days

September 17 - 22, 2018 / $3,495/person


For the serious, experienced, and balanced rider who is more than just comfortable sitting on a horse! Can you ride and position effectively, move your horse's feet, thereby getting through to its mind? Do you understand what you are asking a horse to do, and know when he gives it to you? Are you comfortable riding energetic and spirited horses out of the arena setting, where there are no rails or walls? How is your timing, awareness and release? Can you get your horse's complete attention at all times, no matter what the distraction may be? Can you anticipate what a horse is going to do before he does?

If you answered a resounding yes to all of these questions, than you qualify to ride the gaited horses and join the MILE IN STYLE! The horses travel in their "gaited walks" at twice the speed (and more depending on terrain and distance) of a non-gaited horse at a walk. You will be racking up saddle time, learning a thing or two about maximizing the connection between horse and rider, and safely and effectively communicating with the horse on the ground, in the saddle and on the trail. Learn how to get exactly what you ask of the horse, and what you want! Most gaited horse breeds are not genetically programmed to gait, and poor riding, poor shoeing, and poor handling, can all diminish a horse's ability to get into its particular gait(s), and comfortably stay in gait while travelling at speed. The goal is to have you help not hinder these gaited horses!

Previous gaited horse experience is an asset but not mandatory.

Heading Across the Meadows of Ya-Ha-Tinda Ranch

Price includes:

Contact our knowledgeable staff today to discuss making your western experience holiday a reality.

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